Reminders for week of 3/25-3/29/24

Dear Parents,
We had a very busy, fun week! Next week will be short, but filled with Easter religious/holiday activities. Please let me know via a note in your child's folder or email me if your child will miss any of the school days leading up to and/or after Easter break. I would appreciate the heads-up. Thanks!
Many thanks to the parents who organized and came into our classroom this past Tuesday to make "Resurrection Gardens" with the students to reinforce our Religion program. These will be coming home on Wednesday for your child to take care of by watering a little every other day and setting the pot in a sunny window. There is moss on top of the soil that has been planted with grass seed. Hopefully by Easter Sunday the students will enjoy the sprouting green grass! If not, the Easter season lasts for weeks, so keep caring for it and watch it grow! Last year, I kept mine outside on the porch once it got warm enough and appreciated the reminder all summer that Jesus is Alive and with us always!
We also enjoyed 5th Grade Buddy Time at the end of the day on Wednesday in our classroom doing an Easter measurement activity to prepare for our next Math Chapter which is measurement! They also colored Easter pictures and created their own "Peep" with funny, adorable favorites to write about and draw with their buddies. It is always a very special event when our buddies are involved! They have bonded with each other at Mass and really seem to enjoy each other's company. This next week we are in for another buddy activity: the Easter Egg Hunt on Wednesday! We are looking forward to that very much!
Our class was blessed on Friday with a special visitor, Dr. Susie Shim! Most of you may already know her as the mother of Danny and Noah Rhee, but did you know that she is a pediatric dentist?! When Danny was in my class last year, she did an amazing interactive dental health activity with our class. She graciously offered to come in again this year to first grade to do the same hands-on presentation! I am sure that your children have already told you all about "being" a lifesized tooth, using exploration tools on tooth models, best brushing practices, which foods are bad for your teeth (besides candy!), and... Sugar Bug Doug!!! The students were even given a tooth prize from her treasure chest to hold future lost teeth! Dr. Shim has such a remarkable way of engaging the students in dental health that is interactive, fun, and very informative. I am very grateful and thrilled that she visited our class and taught us all so much in such an interesting hands-on way! If you know Dr. Shim, please join me in thanking her for sharing her expertise, knowledge and time with our class!
Please refer to Homework Cover Sheet and the Sunday email blast for important information regarding the upcoming week.
I pray that you will all be able to participate in as many Holy Week and Easter liturgies and activities at your church as possible with your families this week.
Have a Blessed Holy Week and Easter!
Mrs. Carpanzano