Weekly Information 1/29-2/2/24

Dear Parents,
Please refer to the posted Homework Cover sheet for most of the upcoming Catholic Schools Week activities. For the complete list, please see the Sunday CAS email blast. 
There are four parents coming to talk about their careers this week.  Mrs. Cicchesi (Anthony), Mrs. Horn (Johnnie), Mrs. West (Ava) and Mrs. Murphy (Jack) will visit our class beginning Monday. We are excited for these special visits! Thank you in advance for sharing your time and talent with us!
Wednesday is an EARLY DISMISSAL at 11:15. Please be prompt! Allow extra time because the parking lot gets very crowded on these days! There is NO AFTERCARE or Beyond the Bell!
Thursday is Student Appreciation Day! So....NO HOMEWORK that day and NO TESTS on Friday (not even a spelling test!)!!!!
I appreciate all the parents who kept their children home this past week when they were sick, and there were several daily who were out! Not only is it beneficial for your child to rest at home to feel better sooner, you keep the rest of us as healthy as possible by not "sharing" the germs! I know it isn't easy for the working parents to do this, but I want you to know how grateful I am for your struggles to do so! Although we missed your child, I was happy to provide the missed work daily so that the students could keep up and not feel behind on their work upon return. Hopefully we are on the mend and everyone will enjoy good health soon!
Once again, please refer to the Sunday CAS email blast for ALL the Catholic Schools Week activities and dress down details. This post is NOT a full description! It's going to be a very busy, fun week celebrating our Catholic School!
Have a Blessed Week,
Mrs. Carpanzano