Reminders Week of 1/8-1/12/24

Dear Parents,
Happy Epiphany! This past Friday in class and at Mass with Fr. John we learned about and celebrated the Wisemen's visit to Jesus twelve days after his birth on Christmas. In class, we wrote our own special gift from our heart that we want to give Jesus this year, colored puppet figures of the Wisemen, and sang a "Three Wise Men" song as we processed in our classroom to honor this holy feast of the Church. 
Please look in your child's green folder daily and remove papers from the "Keep at Home" (right side).This week you will receive a detailed letter and a copy of the CAS Prayer Book explaining the prayers that your child will need to learn this year. Your child will be individually tested on the "Our Father" prayer by the end of this quarter (which ends on January 19th). Although we pray it everyday as a school community, please practice it with your child to be sure they will be able to recite it to me on their own. Thank you!
Thank you for sending in the beautiful Baptism pictures of your children for our Doves! I will be putting them together and hanging them on our hallway bulletin board soon with a writing piece about how we can be peacemakers.
Your children must be growing because several have told me that they ate everything at lunch and therefore had no Aftercare snack! They complained of being hungry even though I know that you pack them wonderful lunches. Please  send in an extra healthy snack that will hold them over until pickup from Aftercare. They need this because they are using a lot of energy concentrating on doing their homework and then running around outside and/or playing inside with friends. Thank you!
I want to remind you that your children should be using their Clever badges to log in to Reading Eggs/Mathseeds at home, at least one twenty minute session of each per week. In addition, please have your children practice math facts for adding numbers to 18. This week we will begin subtracting numbers from 18.
As always, please refer to my posted Homework Cover for more information about upcoming events and tests.
Thank you for all your support of what I do by helping your children be prepared for school each day. Have a Blessed Week! 
Mrs. Carpanzano