Week of 1/1/24 - 1/5/24

Dear Parents,
Happy New Year! May all of God's Christmas gifts of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love continue to bless each and every one of you and your families in 2024!
I pray that all of you have enjoyed this Christmas Break away from school and for the Holy Season of the Church that it is! The season of Christmas continues this upcoming week as we celebrate the Holy Family at Sunday Mass to end the year and look forward to the Epiphany and the gifts of the Wisemen for Baby Jesus next Sunday! The feast of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus is celebrated by the Church on Monday, January 8th. As you can see, this will be a busy week in school as we continue to learn about and honor the holy season of Christmas as well as complete work in our usual subject areas. 
Please remember to send in a photo of your child's Baptism by Friday, Jan. 5th for our bulletin board project. Consult the weekly Homework Cover sheet for details, or email me with any questions!
This Friday (1/5/24) is First Friday. Students need to wear regular uniforms (NOT gym uniforms!) and bring or wear sneakers for gym class. Thank you!
Below you will find the complete list of the Acts of Kindness that we made as our Advent Houses were opened each day this past month. It is important for the students to realize that being kind and helpful is a daily gift we give to Jesus with our actions and words. I am sure that you have reinforced this mindset within your family even prior to our class activity in this area! 
Acts of Kindness from our Advent Houses:
Help a classmate pack up, clean up, etc.
Make cards for Sister Sally and Father Mariusz to take to the Homebound.
Make cookies for your local firefighter, police officer, or teacher.
Be extra kind to your sibling or parent today.
Make a thank you card for someone that works at the school.
Mail a handmade Christmas card to someone.
Read a book to someone.
Set the dinner table.
Lead your family in prayer at dinner.
Allow someone to help you.
Put away your laundry or help with a chore at home.
Do something special for your mom.
Help clean your house.
Play with someone new during recess that you have never played with before.
Let someone else go first in line.
Do a secret act of kindness for someone.
May the New Year 2024 bring good health and every joy to you and your families! I am looking forward to a productive rest of the school year with your children! As always, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns!
Mrs. Carpanzano