Reminders for Week of 12/4-12/8/23

Please refer to the posted Homework Cover Sheet for more information about the upcoming week!
On Thursday 11/30, we made Advent Houses! We appreciate the time and help from Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Thota, and Mrs. West!  A huge "Thank You!" goes to our Homeroom Moms for all the hard work recreating the materials needed for this annual tradition in 1C!  I truly appreciate all the time and creativity that you put into this project!
The children each decorated their own Advent houses which are now hanging in our room. Each school day, a child will open his/her house according to the number that has been randomly assigned to it in order to read aloud to the class a part of the Nativity story and an Act of Kindness for Advent. Then that child will take their house, ornament and Act of Kindness paper home. Each of us will keep that Act of Kindness in mind and in practice as much as possible during Advent and beyond (hopefully!) For example, Anthony's house happened to be #1. So, yesterday on December 1st, he opened his house to read the beginning of the Nativity story, the Annunciation, from the back of the ornament that he decorated. Then he announced the Act of Kindness ("Help a classmate pack up, clean up, etc"). We discussed ways to practice this work of mercy and he took it all home to share the Advent message with his family and friends! 
We will only open houses on school days in December until we leave for Christmas break, and they are numbered accordingly. Every day in Advent, our class will also color a circle on the Advent pathway to Bethlehem during Morning Prayer/Meeting and your child should do the same at home with their pathway. (Please see the letter sent home in folders Friday 12/1 for more explanation.) 
Sunday, December 3rd is the First Sunday of Advent and the day that your child should color the purple candle and "light" it by drawing and coloring a flame on the Advent wreath attached to the letter that was sent home in folders 12/1. This is the Candle of Hope. In class, the students have started to create a type of Advent wreath for our hallway bulletin board with a writing activity for each candle. In the Bible, it says: "Jesus gives us the gift of hope to trust in God." (Romans 15:13). The students will learn a new scripture each week that relates to the Advent messages of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love that are among God's BEST gifts!
Christmas Show: Please remember to dress your child in a white, collared shirt and nice black pants/skirts with black(dark) colored shoes for the Christmas Show on the evening of Tuesday, December 12th. They will each be given a red bow tie to wear for the show. Please refer to a previous email from Mrs. Schule that I forwarded to you. Your child must arrive by 6:00pm for the 6:30pm show.
As always, refer to the Email Blast that is sent each Sunday morning from the office for more details about the upcoming week! Thank you and have a Blessed First Week of Advent!