Weekly Reminders for 5/1-5/5/23

Please see Homework Cover Sheet for spelling test words and reminders for this week.
In addition to the weekly spelling test, there will be a Religion Test on Friday 5/5. The Religion Test review sheet will come home in folders Monday 5/1. We will be learning about the Mass.
A small booklet about the Mass will be coming home this week. Your child should keep it, use it to study for the test and may also bring it to use at Sunday Mass when you go together as a family. (Friday Mass at school is a bonus! Sunday Mass is a holy day of obligation.)
Lost/Found: A blue gym sweatshirt was found in our classroom the week before last. There is no name inside and no child has answered that it could be theirs! So, if your child is missing a gym sweatshirt, please send me an email or send a note in your child's folder. Thank you to those who label all clothing!
Baby Wipes and Tissues: My gratitude to all who recently brought in one of each of these depleted supplies. With allergy season upon us, our classroom is in need of tissues. In addition, your children are responsibly using wipes to keep their desks clean after snack and lunch. Please send in one of each, if possible. Thank you for your support!
Thanks for all your support to make Spirit Week successful and fun! As you know, wearing the orange color paid off and first grade won an Extra Recess for our great participation in Color Competition Day! One nice, sunny, warm day we will all enjoy this extra time to have fun together outside in the fresh air!