Bathroom Use Going Well So Far!

As per Miss Brady, classes in the 100 Wing will need to use the bathroom as a class at scheduled times throughout the day. Therefore, please be sure that your child uses the bathroom at home right before coming to school, even if it was used upon awakening in the morning. Also, if your child attends the Before Care Program or arrives early on their bus, please remind them to use the bathroom upon arrival/before coming down to our classroom. Since I need to watch the parking lot door, and because we need to use the bathroom as a class, students will not be able to leave the classroom to use the bathroom at arrival time.
The exact times have not been scheduled yet; however, I wanted you to be aware so that you could speak with your child about the situation. Most likely we will be scheduled 3 times per day. The first time we go as a class may be after snack (9:30ish), then before lunch (11:30ish) and lastly after recess near the end of the school day after 1:00.
I will keep you posted. Thank you for your support and for explaining this new policy to your child prior to Tuesday 1/17 when we return to school so that everyone understands.