5 Grade-Mr. DiBuono Assignments

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Past Assignments


Dias De La Semana Due date: Mon, Mar 29 in Google Classroom

Dias De La Semana Due date: Mon, Mar 29

Complete the classwork and worksheet.
Yesterday= ayer
Today= Hoy
Tomorrow= mañana
2. Memorize the Days of the week
practice the spelling


Family Tree Project  in Google Classroom

Family Tree Project

Written Portion March 1
Project Presentation Visual March 8th


The Our Father Test on Mon, Feb 22  in Google Classroom

The Our Father Test on Mon, Feb 22

It was first assigned by Feb 1, 2021
Memorize the Our Father.
You will have to recite it to me in Spanish.
Mateo, Delia y Alejandro you have to practice how to write it.

El Padre Nuestro
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu Nombre;
venga a nosotros tu Reino;
hágase tu voluntad
en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy
nuestro pan de cada día;
perdona nuestras ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos
a los que nos ofenden;
no nos dejes caer en la tentación,
y líbranos del mal.



Worksheet/Conversation at a restaurant in Google Classroom

Worksheet/Conversation at a restaurant

1.Complete worksheet

2. Create a conversation at a restaurant Textbook page 18
Order foods from the vocabulary list in your notes.
Order a drink. Be polite when you order.
Ask the price in a polite way.

A- Una pizza y una limonada, por favor.

A- Gracias
B- De nada.
No hay de qué.
Por nada.

A- ¿Cuánto es, Por favor?
B- Treinta pesos.


Spanish Test Mon. November 9th in Google Classroom

Spanish Test Mon. November 9th

Study the Spanish Alphabet for test


Worksheet Despedidas and Conversation Due date Mon, Ost 5 in Google Classroom

Worksheet Despedidas and Conversation Due date Mon, Ost 5

Complete worksheet on farewells and create a conversation on the back.


Quiz on Greetings and farewells Mon, Sep 28 in Google Classroom

Quiz on Greetings and farewells Mon, Sep 28

There will be a quiz on greetings and farewells. Use your notes and Spanish textbook.
Make index cards to study.
Practice English to Spanish
Spanish to English
Spanish ALWAYS counts!